5 How To Clean The Right TV Screen, Don't Use Ordinary Clothing!

YOGYAKARTA - Keeping a television screen clean is a must. The reason is, if it is not cleaned, the dust and dirt attached to the TV screen can interfere with the appearance or can enter the sidelines of the speaker so that it interferes with sound clarity. So, how to clean the correct TV screen?

For information, television screen technology is currently experiencing very rapidly. On the market, many types of TV screens are found, ranging from plasma, LED, or OLED, which can display sharp color brightness and display details.

Although the technology is progressing, not all TV screens can be cleaned in the same way or cleaning material.

"Cleaning old TV is similar to cleaning windows. Modern TV requires more care," said Jessica Ek, a janitor at the American Cleaning Institute, according to Reader's Digest.

Here's how to clean LED screen TV at home

Use a microfiber cloth as a lap while cleaning the TV screen. This is to keep the screen surface from scratched.

Citing the Good Housekeeping page, traditional cloth cannot be used to clean TV screens, especially LED TV screens. The reason is, the LED TV screen has an anti-silt layer and can be damaged quickly when using a cloth with a rough texture.

In addition, you are also not allowed to use eating paper, tissue, or other ingredients that contain fiber because it can damage the screen.

Cleaning the dust and dirt attached to the TV screen is different from wiping the glass or window. You have to swipe the screen first in one direction, for example vertical or horizontal.

Next, swab again for the second time in the opposite direction. Turn the cloth as often as possible because the dust can accumulate on one side of the cloth.

The corners and sides of the TV screen are difficult parts to clean. However, this section must still be cleaned.

You should often turn the cloth around when cleaning the corners and sides of the TV screen. It's also better if you always use the side of a clean cloth when cleaning repeatedly.

When cleaning television screens, you shouldn't put much pressure on it. Because, this can damage LED screen pixels or plasma TV.

When cleaning television, don't spray cleaning products on the screen directly. Pressure from the spray can damage the inside of the screen.

Prepare a clean and dry microfiber cloth, spray the product on the cloth, then compact it on the screen.

Keep in mind, don't use a cloth that has been used before because you are the same as transferring dirt from another object to the screen.

That's the information on how to clean the right TV screen. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.