How Old Can Children Be Read Fairy Tales: Here's The Explanation
YOGYAKARTA - So far, fairy tales are often used as a method to put children to sleep, while fairy tales are more than that. Reading fairy tales to children is able to stimulate brain growth and stimulate children's analyzing power. However, parents may be confused about how old it is to read fairy tales to children?
It's too early to read stories to children, especially in babies who are not able to process words that may not affect anything. Well, here are the benefits and ages that are right to read fairy tales to children.
When children are 3.5 years old, they are able to process words and have a dialogue easily. This is the right age to stimulate the child's brain through fairy tales. However, children aged 3, 5 years actually still have an abstract mindset, so they are not able to understand the positive values in social life every day. Reading fairy tales helps your little one to absorb the positive values in the story.
Not only that, children aged 3, 5 years still like to imitate, explore, and absorb aspects that exist in their area, so that fairy tales that describe everyday life are appropriate to fulfill their growing needs. If you have other issues about children's growth and development, go to an expert doctor immediately and you can ask the Halodoc doctor. You can contact the doctor anytime and anywhere.
Benefits Of Reading Fairy Tales To Children
Reading fairy tales to children is more than just an introduction. Here are the benefits that children can get through fairy tales, among others:
Stories of fairy tales are generally treated with adventures, fauna that can have dialogue, as well as magic creatures from all over the category. When parents read fairy tales for children, you can stimulate children's imaginations and help them increase creativity. Creativity helps them think outside of regularity, expose problems, and think critically. Cognitively, the Little One is stimulated by the visualization of these stories which automatically helps increase their intelligence.
Reading fairy tales to Your Little One is one of the best methods for teaching children to distinguish between right and wrong. Fairy tales often describe friendship, battle between goodness and evil and love, and stories about loss. That way, there are many meaningful lessons about life that can be taught to children.
Through the concept of because and simple consequences that are commonly used in fairy tales, children learn that each action has consequences. Through this, parents can direct basic moral lessons. The moral lessons learned by children from fairy tales help develop a good personality. Fairy tales also do not always reflect reality, the lessons given are generally simple, namely doing good and not evil.
Every fairy tale depicts the personality that makes decisions and decisions of course have consequences. When parents discuss with their children about what the characters will do, this is where parents train their children to start thinking critically from a young age.
So, reading fairy tales with children is not just an exciting activity, but also a good method for spending quality time with your little one. Parents can read together, laugh together, and learn together. Follow-up can be the right method to build stronger bonds between parents and children.
So after knowing how old children can be read fairy tales, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!