Humanitarian Volunteer Body Accused Of Intel Shot By KKB Found, Kapendam: Pure Civilian Victim

Papuan Police said the body of Michelle Kurisi Ndoga, a humanitarian volunteer killed by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) was found in Kolowa Village, Lanny Jaya Regency, Papua Mountains.

"It is true that the victim's body has been found by a joint TNI/Polri team, Thursday (August 30), and the crime scene was immediately processed," said Deputy Chief of the Papua Regional Police (Wakapolda) Brigadier General of Police Ramdani Hidayat in Jayapura, Thursday, August 31, confiscated by Antara.

Ramdani said that currently the body was on its way to Wamena Hospital.

For now, it is not known with certainty that the KKB group was the perpetrator of the shooting of the victim.

Previously, a video circulated when KKB members opened fire on a humanitarian volunteer named Michelle Kurisi Ndoga to death.

"The video has been circulating since Tuesday (August 29) afternoon," said Ramdani.

Separately, the Head of Information for Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Johanis Parinussa said the KKB had killed Michelle Kurisi Ndoga who worked as a humanitarian volunteer.

The victims killed by the KKB were civilians and were not involved in TNI intelligence activities. He is a civil society that wants to help refugees in Nduga.

"The TNI has never made indigenous Papuans as agents or spies and victims of pure civil society," said Kapendam.