South Kalimantan Police Train 7,000 Personnel To Secure 2024 Election

BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda Kalsel) deployed two-thirds of the strength or around 7,000 personnel to secure the 2024 General Election so that it could run smoothly and conducively.

"Personnel involved in securing elections have been trained intensively, especially in dealing with situations that lead to the potential threat of security disturbances," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Andi Rian R Djajadi in Banjarmasin, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 26.

According to the Kapolda, its members are ready in any situation, including handling anarchic actions.

This was marked by several simulations of the City Security System (Sispamkota) at 13 Polres in the ranks as a form of readiness to secure the 2024 General Election.

All security stages on voting day are simulated starting from a safe and controlled condition at the polling station (TPS) to turning into physical clashes and finally the masses act anarchically.

The Regional Police Chief emphasized that no one wants the election to be unfavorable, but even if that happens, his party is ready with all efforts to reduce it.

"Of course we continue to prioritize preventive efforts, members are reminded to always be humane in providing security services at polling stations," he said.

The General Election Commission (KPU) of South Kalimantan has set DPT as many as 3,025,220 voters for the 2024 General Election spread across two cities and 11 districts, consisting of 1,512,186 male voters and 1,513,034 female voters.

The total TPS is 13,584TPS including 44 special polling stations in detention centers and prisons spread over 156 sub-districts and 2,016 sub-districts or villages.