Coordinating Ministry For Human Development And Culture Guarantees The Provision Of Social Assistance During Elections Not Related To Politics

JAKARTA - Secretary of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Andie Megantara provided clarification regarding the potential misuse of social assistance programs (bansos) by certain parties for political interests ahead of the political year.

He ensured that social assistance would be distributed on target because the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture already had complete mechanisms and data on recipients of assistance, including names and addresses.

"If it's a problem for politics, it doesn't seem like it. Because our modality is already strong, right. This means that we already have data based on name and address, from the lowest ranking to the top, even with the percentage," Andie said in his statement, Wednesday, August 23.

He predicts that the possibility of distributing social assistance will be used for low political interests because the government, especially President Joko Widodo, is currently serious in the program to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty by the end of 2024.

"It should be unlikely to be brought into the political realm because the President and all parties are seriously involved in dealing with this problem (extreme poverty)," he said.

However, Andie acknowledged that there was a potential unilateral claim when social assistance was distributed. He distinguishes between discriminating and claiming. He said that if someone says that they have succeeded in providing assistance because of their efforts, it may not be to blame. However, directing or claiming that social assistance is a political effort that can affect the acceptance of aid is a different thing.

Andie reiterated that the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture has data on beneficiaries and continues to monitor the process of distributing social assistance. The data includes the location, geotagging, and information needed to ensure that social assistance reaches the recipients in need.

In the past, social assistance politicization has occurred in several areas ahead of simultaneous regional head elections (pilkada) in 2020.

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) noted that there was a personalization of social assistance which made it appear as personal assistance from the candidates, even though the assistance actually came from state funds. This can cause vulnerability and conflict.