Many Police Officers Even Do TPKS, DPR: Police Should Support The Community

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI highlighted the many acts of sexual violence committed by police officers. Law enforcement officials are encouraged to apply Law (UU) Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS) to handle every case of sexual violence.

"We are fighting against sexual violence which is already like an iceberg phenomenon. The police must be at the forefront of supporting the eradication of sexual violence, one of which is by enforcing the TPKS Law," regretted Member of Commission III DPR RI Didik Mukrianto, Tuesday, August 22.

As is known, there have been many cases of sexual violence involving police officers. Most recently, the alleged sexual violence against female detainees occurred in the South Sulawesi Regional Police cell which was carried out many times.

The perpetrator of sexual harassment is suspected to be a police officer with the rank of Brigadier with the initials S who served in the Directorate of Detention and Evidence (Dittahti) of the South Sulawesi Police. Brigadier S is said to have sexually harassed a female drug detainee, FM, while on guard picket.

Didik also criticized the action, especially when it was carried out by police officers who were supposed to be protectors of the community.

"Not anywhere, sexual violence is still happening. Even at the police station, which should be the safest place," he said.

Therefore, Didik urged that all forms of sexual violence be investigated by the TPKS Law. As law enforcers, the police must set an example.

"This is important to be a concern because the police should obey the law, and provide protection for the community. Committing violations also injures professional dignity," said Didik.

Many criminal acts of sexual violence are known to have not implemented the TPKS Law because there are no technical rules. Didik again reminded the Government to quickly issue derivative regulations so that the TPKS Law can be more effective.

"The TPKS Law is not only effective against law enforcement, but can also better protect victims of sexual violence in various aspects," said the member of the Commission in the DPR in charge of these legal matters.

Regarding the police cases involved in cases of sexual violence, Didik reminded about the commitment of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo who stated that he would not compromise police officers who committed the slightest violation. Moreover, the TPKS Law states that there are penalties for perpetrators of sexual violence from the protection profession and protectors of the community.

The professions in question are health workers, medical personnel, educators, education personnel, or other professionals who get the mandate to carry out handling, protection, and recovery of victims. The sentence is added 1/3 of the criminal threat.

"Strict legal action must be taken against police officers who are proven to be involved in acts of sexual harassment. Legal procedures must be followed carefully and ensure protection for victims," he explained.

Didik asked the police to thoroughly investigate cases of sexual harassment at the South Sulawesi Regional Police. If proven true, the perpetrator must be dealt with firmly and criminally investigated.

"Because it is not enough just to witness ethics. Sexual crimes are crimes against humanity that violate a person's independence, human rights. Even if the victim is a prisoner, it does not mean that he can accept arbitrary treatment," said Didik.