BPK PENABUR Develops Student Characters Through Digital Transformation

JAKARTA - Digital transformation is moving rapidly, as a side effect of restricting mobilization during the COVID-19 pandemic. The education system in Indonesia is also accelerating the use of digital technology in the teaching and learning process to break the challenge of distance to access education.

The role of technology in the world of education is becoming increasingly important. The learning process is facilitated by e-learning, video conferencing, and various interactive applications. This increases flexibility, accessibility, and interactivity that have an impact on a better and more effective learning experience.

Therefore, digital transformation will have a significant impact on community development and the quality of education. Experienced 73 years managing education, BPK PENABUR realizes the importance of transformation in order to ensure the quality of graduates who are able to answer the needs of the times.

"Digital transformation affects various aspects of education, ranging from curriculum, learning methods, to administrative management. For this reason, it is important to have a planned and sustainable strategy in dealing with it," said Adri Lazuardi, Chairman of the BPK PENABUR Foundation, in his statement, Tuesday, August 22.

Renewal of the curriculum and adopt technology wisely, is a step chosen by BPK PENABUR. One of them is the development of the Digital Learning (PDL) FACILITIES platform which focuses on the production of digital learning materials.

Kenny Lim, Chairman of BPK PENABUR Jakarta, revealed that PDL is designed to help students learn from anywhere and anytime with quality materials. PDL is a means of increasing teacher teaching skills during the digital transformation period.

Kenny added, for teachers who are accustomed to teaching students in class, providing material through videos is a challenge, therefore BPK PENABUR provides continuous debriefing.

In line with that, Kumalasari Onggobawono, Head of the Education Division of BPK PENABUR Jakarta directed students to use technology wisely, such as learning through the PDL platform.

"We also provide Digital Quotient (DQ) World and Digital License (DL) learning, hopefully for students to be safe and comfortable in using technology," said Kumalasari.

The benefits of technology are felt by Berwyn, alumnus of SMAK 1 PENABUR who won the silver medal at the 2022 International Physmen Olympiad (IPhO) as well as recipients of the Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM).

"Skill of utilizing technology is a fundamental provision that I get from school," said Berwyn, who is diligent in utilizing technology to take online and teaching courses.

Committed to producing intelligent and characterless graduates, BPK PENABUR opens New Student Admissions (PPDB) for the 2024-2025 Academic Year starting Saturday, August 12, 2023 simultaneously in 15 cities (Lampung, Bandung, Bogor, Cianjur, Cicurug, Cimahi, Cirebon, Indramayu, Jakarta, Jatibarang, Metro, Rengasdengklok, Serang, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya) along with the launch of the first phase of PDL.