IHC Collaborates With Sarinah To Make Shopping Centers A Medical Tourism

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Bina Medika - Indonesia Healthcare Corporation (IHC) or BUMN Hospital Holding (RS) collaborated with PT Sarinah to hold social activities for blood donors and health talks in the context of the momentum of the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence.

Medical Director of PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC Lia Gardenia Partakusuma said about 70 bags of blood collected for 3 hours from workers and visitors to Sarinah.

"Blood donors in this year's independence edition are located in the Sarinah shopping center, it is hoped that in addition to shopping, people will also care about health as well as among others by participating in blood donors," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 15.

Furthermore, Lia said, blood donation is not only useful to help patients in need, but also has a good impact on donor health. Blood donation can also refresh the body, let alone be done regularly.

He hopes that Indonesian medical tourism which is currently being echoed by the government and also the IHC Holding of BUMN Hospital can start from a simple step, namely the existence of health services in shopping centers.

"So, people go to the mall not only to shop but can be used as medical tourism as a complement to the new ecosystem in shopping centers," he said.

Liagagakan kegiatan donor darah dan health talk juga bagian dari implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) untuk mendukung Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) khususnya untuk kehidupan yang sehat dan pendidikan yang berkualitas.

Meanwhile, PT Sarinah's Director of Finance, Risk Management and Human Capital, Albert Aulia Ilyas, said PT Sarinah appreciated the steps taken by the IHC/Holding of the BUMN Hospital in creating a Sarinah shopping center to play a role in Indonesia's medical tourism ecosystem.

"Sarinah is also present in several cities in Indonesia, we open up opportunities for synergy to jointly create Indonesia's medical tourism ecosystem through shopping centers," explained Albert.

Albert continued, his party also continues to socialize to Sarinah People about the importance of health. He also recommends his employees to donate blood regularly.