Conglomerate Aguan Visits IKN Before Groundbreaking Is Planned To Be Carried Out In September 2023
JAKARTA - Property boss Agung Sedayu Group, Sugianto Kusuma alias Aguan along with other investors and Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia visited the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) on Friday, August 11.
Bahlil said that visits with investors who are members of the Domestic Investment Consortium (PMDN) to IKN were carried out to review the construction of the megaproject. The visit was also carried out as a follow-up to the investment plan of IDR 30-40 trillion by the PMDN Consortium.
He said that the crazy rich private investment consortium at IKN will start groundbreaking in September 2023. In addition, Bahlil said this visit aims to find solutions to the problems faced by investors in the IKN development project.
Bahlil also explored the problem of the IKN Central Government Core Area (KIPP) package design which had not been completed for an overview of investors.
"We have to talk about which existing projects, which ones to work on. The important thing is not to violate substance, not corruption, and aims at the state," Bahlil said in a press release, quoted Monday, August 14.
Thus, said Bahlil, the government's target to celebrate Indonesia's independence day on August 17 next year at IKN can be carried out.
He conveyed that infrastructure needs for investors such as the availability of electricity, water, and telecommunications must be met immediately. This is because local investors have contributed a lot to the development of the IKN project development so that it must continue to be provided with support.
"I express my appreciation to the private sector until now. Regulations so that it becomes the affairs of the Ministry of Investment and the IKN Authority, and will continue to be made easier," he explained.
One of the representatives of PMDN, Sugianto Kusuma or Aguan expressed his appreciation to the government for the acceleration and good response in all obstacles faced by capital investors. He expressed the hope of the availability of material material close to the project site so that the acceleration of project development would be more effective and efficient.
"I hope logistical matters will be followed up immediately. Business permits are easy, so the opportunity for the August 17, 2024 ceremony is very large," he said.