2,370 Prisoners In NTB Proposed To Get Remission August 17, Including 5 People Can Be Free Immediately
NTB - A total of 2,370 inmates are proposed to get remission or reduce their sentence at the moment of Indonesian independence day on August 17, 2023.
"The convicts who were included in the list of proposals for remission recipients at the celebration of Indonesian Independence Day came from prisons, detention centers, and LPKA (Special Child Development Institute) in the NTB (West Nusa Tenggara) area," said Head of the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) NTB, Romi Yudianto in Mataram, NTB, Wednesday, August 9, confiscated by Antara.
He explained that the convicts who were included in the list of proposals for recipients of general category remissions came from general and special criminal cases.
"From the general crime, there were 1,306 and 1,064 special crimes," he said.
Romi explained, of the 1,306 convicts in general criminal cases, five of them received free immediate remission or were included in the category of recipients of general remission (RU) II.
"For the five people who are included in the list of proposals for RU II, there are three people from LPKA Central Lombok, one from Selong Prison, and another from Sumbawa Prison. So, those who enter RU II are indeed those who after receiving a reduction, their sentences expire," he said.
He said the requirements for prisoners to be included in the list of proposals for remission recipients were those who had served a sentence of six months in prisons or detention centers. For the substance requirements, do not commit violations while serving a sentence and always behave well.
Furthermore, Romi said that the proposal is still waiting for approval from the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights. For the results, Romi said that his party would convey the momentum of the celebration of Indonesian Independence Day on August 17, 2023.
"So, we have submitted this proposal, we are just waiting for the decree to be approved from the center," said Romi.