Revitalization Of Gintung Pasir Market Attention From President Jokowi
LAMPUNG - Bandarlampung City Regional Secretary Iwan Gunawan said the central government would immediately revitalize the traditional Pasir Gintung market with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).
"The Gintung market has indeed attracted the attention of President Joko Widodo during a visit there some time ago, then ordered the Minister of PUPR to budget for it," Iwan said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 6.
He said that this August the auction for the construction of the Gintung Pasir Market will begin and when the renovation has been completed, it will be handed over to Bandarlampung City for management.
"The news is that in August the auction will begin, so this is what the Bandarlampung City Government is building, not the central government," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of the Trade Office Wilson Faisol said that the revitalization of Pasir Gintung Market was a follow-up after President Joko Widodo visited the traditional market.
"The demolition of the traditional market in the near future will be carried out," he said.
Then, he continued, the city government will socialize the construction of Pasir Gintung Market to traders and the surrounding community.
"We are still preparing for socialization, forming a team to collect data on traders, then we will relocate them to the SMEP Market according to the direction of the Mayor of Bandarlampung Eva Dwiana," he said.
He said the number of traders at Pasir Gintung Market is estimated to reach more than 500 people with those recorded at the Trade Office, namely 320 traders who are in the market and outside about 200 people.
"For the area of the Gintung Pasir Market, it reaches an area of 2,000 square meters, although it was built, the number of traders in the number remains at around 320 people," he said.