Minister Basuki: Kamal-Telukana-Rajeg Toll Road Can Smooth Logistics Paths To Merak Port

JAKARTA - The government is working on the 38.6 kilometer (km) Kamal-Telukana-Rajeg Toll Road Project. The construction of the Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg Toll Road was initiated by PT Duta Graha Karya with an investment value of IDR 23.22 trillion.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the construction of the toll road is expected to facilitate logistics distribution to Merak Port.

"This is a toll road system in the West Java corridor for the development of economic areas. If you look at the route, this toll road will enter the Jakarta-Merak Toll Road, so hopefully, those from the West will not need to take the Jakarta Inner City Toll Road," Basuki said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, August 2nd.

The project was carried out with a Government Cooperation with Business Entities (KPBU) scheme for the Pre-Corruption of Business Entities (unsolicited projects) which was fully invested from Business Entities.

Minister Basuki also instructed the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Highways to monitor construction quality ranging from design planning to development processes.

"This toll road path passes through the coastal area, there must be a lot of soft soil, there must be accuracy in soil geological research," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Miftachul Munir said that the construction of the Kamal-Telukanaga-Rajeg Toll Road aims to develop the North Tangerang Regency area. In addition, it is also an effort to support the smooth running of vehicle traffic in Banten and DKI Jakarta Provinces.

"For Sections 1 to 4, starting from Sedyatmo Toll Road to Kohod, it is targeted that construction will be completed and operated in 2025. Furthermore, for Sections 5 to 8 from Kohod to Rajeg, the construction is targeted to be completed in 2026," said Munir.

It is known that the Kamal-Telukana-Rajeg Toll Road has 8 Sections, namely Section 1 (Sedyatmo-Kosambi) along 6.7 km, Section 2 (Kosambi-Telukana) 3.7 km, Section 3 (Tanjung Pasir Bay) 3.1 km, and Section 4 (Tanjung Pasir-Kohod) along 3.65 km.

Then, Section 5 (Kohod-Surya Bahari) is 5.15 km long, Section 6 (Surya Bahari-Pakuhaji) is 5.5 km, Section 7 (Pakuhaji-Mauk) is 5.1 km, and Section 8 (Mauk-Rajeg) is 5.7 km long.