Celebrating National Children's Day, 165 Little Swimmers Enthusiastic Follow Dash Slash 2023

JAKARTA - Around 165 children from the swimming community participated in the Speedo Dash Slash 2023. This Invitational Tournament was held to celebrate National Children's Day 2023.

This activity was held by Nika Training Pool Bintaro, Sunday, July 23. Supported by the All-Indonesian Swimming Association (PRSI) of South Jakarta, this event competes in four categories of age 4-12 years.

"I'm very happy to see the enthusiasm of the children who are extraordinary, look cheerful and full of enthusiasm in the various match numbers," said Founder & CEO of Dash Sports, Alit Aryaguna.

One of the participants, Lubna Hilya Zuhra admitted that she was very happy to be able to try something new. He stated that this happened to be the first event.

"I practice once a week, but so the training is added near the day of this competition. I'm happy to do it because it's true that Mama and Papa like to swim," said the six-year-old girl.

In line with Lubna, Altarezi Ruslan, he felt the same way. He was happy because there were many new friends.

"I competed in 50 meters of the freestyle. Yesterday before the training competition it could be up to three times a week," he said.

Ajang Dash Slash competes in a number of numbers. Among them 25 meters Freestyle (free style) Kick with Kickboard, 25 meters Backstroke (back style) kick with kickboard for the 4-5 year age category.

Then there are match numbers of 25 meters of freestyle, back, chest and butterfly for the 6-8 year age category, and 50 meters of butterfly, 50 meters of breaststroke, 50 meters of freestyle and 100 meters of individual medley (Individual medley) for the 9-10 year and 11-12 year age categories.

Also competed in the relay number which took 4x25 meters Freestyle kick Mixed Relay with Kickboard, 4x25 meters Freestyle mixed Relay and 4x25 meters Medley Mixed Relay.