Receiving An Award, Megawati Becomes A Woman Inspirator To Prevent Stunting

JAKARTA - The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) stated that the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarno Putri is an example of an inspirational woman in stunting prevention. "Mrs. Megawati Soekarno Putri has given an example to us, before there was a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) stunting, she told us, don't just eat it. It becomes a very simple language and becomes the everyday language understood by all of us," said Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday 19 July. Hasto said another figure who became the inspirator was the Chairman of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) Emi Nurjasmi, Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, and Hetty Andika Perkasa. All these female figures, get awards as Women Inspirator and Stunting Strators by the Tribune Network, because they contribute to lowering stunting prevalence rates in Indonesia. One of the contributions that is considered very meaningful is the creation of a simple MPASI prescription book that uses local food made by Megawati and the Minister of Bintang. It also emphasizes the importance of using animal protein as directed by Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin. This food prescription is very simple, the food is from local ingredients and exists throughout Indonesia. The role of these mothers is extraordinary, moving together. Of course, national food becomes the nation's life price. That is, Bung Karno once said that our dead life depends on national food," said Hasto. Therefore, Hasto hopes that all Indonesian people can care for local products of sustainability from local food which is a very important part of accelerating stunting reduction. The fifth president of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri, on that occasion emphasized that if the involvement of women in providing nutritious food to prevent stunting is very important.

Megawati gave an example of her mother, Mrs. Fatmawati. The first first first lady, who at that time was busy fighting for the nation's independence, was still ready to take care of her children by diligently cooking nutritious food. "This stunting really needs to be interrogated for all Indonesian people, especially because pregnant women. Imagine Mr. Jokowi said 2023 was included in the Indonesian demographic bonus. He said the bonus would not always happen every year," said Megawati.