Overcoming Mutual And Repeated Thoughts On Certain Topics, Here Are 5 Ways
YOGYAKARTA Minds that are racing and repeat only on certain topics mark anxiety and may even be other mental health disorders. However, racing thoughts are often experienced by a person in a state of anxiety or stress even though they are not experiencing mental health disorders. This makes it increasingly difficult for a person to complete tasks and sleep at night. Therefore, so that the proportion of time you don't get used to thinking that's all, here are Patricia Harteneck's tips, Ph.D., from The Seleni Institute, a nonprofit organization that works for mental health and wellness.
Usually, thoughts worry about things that are believed to be true. But often it's actually not true. This is what makes the mind's tendency to predict the worst. Instead of following the mind of racing to the wrong thing, it's better to make a positive alternative scenario to prevent energy running out.
Called a spell, but it's just a phrase or a spoken simple word to calm the mind. Research has shown that repeating the spell reduces the activity of the part of the brain responsible for self-assessment and reflection. You can try simple sentences or phrases like Oom, Life is good, or Everything will be fine. Repeat this sentence and focus your mind only on the spoken mantra. If your mind wanders, return it to your mantra.
Restoring focus on the present will help you accept and release what you can't control. It will also help you realize that you can't change the past and even a future that hasn't happened yet. To restore focus, reported Psychology Today, Sunday, July 16, try taking a deep breath and ask yourself how you're feeling right now.
Writing your concerns on paper opens the possibility of being accessed again. That is, this concern is not completely ignored, but can feel comfortable knowing that you will review the matter.
Writing action involves your mind and reduces racing thoughts. When the mind is chaotic, write on paper. Minutes later the mind will calmer.
Breathe with a certain pattern that is realized, can help shift the response against-or-run from the parasymptical nervous system so that the response is more relaxed. Then try counting up to 3 while taking a breath and counting up to 5 when exhaling. Pay attention to breathing when you try this pattern. Breathe with this aini pole, help the mind to still be controlled and no longer wander to the same topic.
It's important to understand that it takes time to develop new habits in overcoming racing thoughts. You can also use other methods, but you have to do regular and in the long term so that your mind is more controlled.