Worried About Being An Election Dispute, Bawaslu Observes The Files Of Ex-Convicts In Kulon Progo Maju To Become A Legislative Candidate

DI YOGYAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Kulon Progo Regency observed in detail the files of ex-convicts who advanced to become legislative candidates (caleg).

Chairman of Bawaslu Kulon Progo Ria Harlinawati said the file was submitted during the administrative verification stage for the Kulon Progo DPRD candidate. According to him, ex-convicts have their own requirements that must be completed.

"We are worried that there will be problems with election disputes in the future," he said in Kulon Progo, Special Region (DI) Yogyakarta, Friday, June 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the Kulon Progo Bawaslu also carried out funerals against the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), the village head, the Kalurahan Consultative Body (BPKAL), and village/kelurahan officials. Where on the ID card will not be listed as BPKal.

"We have asked the sub-district supervisory committee to pay close attention. Panwascam has found data on several candidates, at least a certificate of resignation," he said.

Ria said the requirements submitted by their prospective legislative candidates could potentially cause a dispute. For example, it did not pass because of the shortcomings of one of the conditions.

"We have to map this and we make sure. If the registration does not exist yet, we make sure it must be in the repair of the requirements for legislative candidates," he said.

In addition, Ria continued, Kulon Progo Bawaslu found the age of candidates who had not met the requirements, namely under 21 years. In addition, Bawaslu found the multiplicity of candidates, namely one name to be registered by two parties.

"We have to make sure of this," he added.

Ria said that her party had asked for an excerpt from the decision of the Kulon Progo District Court on behalf of the former convicts who registered as candidates for the Kulon Progo DPRD.

"After we checked on the internet, not all criminal decisions were not published. For that, we ensured the data of ex-convicts included in the registration documents," he said.