Padalarang Station Will Be The Main Dismissal Of The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train

West Java (Jabar) Governor Ridwan Kamil said the Padalarang High Speed Train Station is planned to be the main stopping place for the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) for the Bandung area. So that later, he said, high-speed train passengers can use commuter lines or regular trains to continue their journey to the Bandung City area. "According to the agreement, the main dismissal in Padalarang is not in Tegalluar. From Padalarang to the city later on regular trains," said Ridwan Kamil at the West Java Bappeda Office, Bandung City, Tuesday, June 6, was confiscated by Antara. So far, according to him, Tegalluar Station, which is the last station for KCJB, is still being optimized by the developer of the national project. "The Tegalluar is still being tried in stages but especially strengthening in the zone," said Ridwan Kamil.

In addition, he continued, his party also continues to ensure the security of the KCJB route, such as cleaning up illegal activities around the KCJB route. "God willing, if according to the promise from the August KCJB it should be smooth until the day of operation," he said. Currently, the West Java Police are continuing to monitor a number of areas that the KCJB has gone through to anticipate criminal acts. West Java Police Public Relations Head Kombes Pol Ibrahim Tompo said there were 245 personnel deployed to carry out security. Hundreds of personnel, he said, consisted of personnel in various ranks of the police. "Socialization related to KCJB is given to the community around the route that is being passed to jointly protect national strategic projects for the advancement of Indonesia," said Ibrahim.