In A Day, Land Burns In Palangka Raya Area 9 Hectares

PALANGKA RAYA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan, recorded a burning land in the local city area in a day, covering an area of 9 hectares.

Head of BPBD Palangka Raya City Emi Abriyani said that of the 9 hectares of the burned land, it was recorded from five sub-districts in the local city.

"In Jekan Raya District, there were eight incidents and land affected by forest and land fires covering an area of more than 3.3 hectares, Pahandut two incidents with an area of more than 1.1 hectares affected," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.

Then, for Sebangau District, there were three incidents and more than 3.1 hectares of land, Bukit Batu, one incident of land that was affected by half a hectare and in Rakumpit District, there is currently no incident.

"For the total number of incidents today, there are 14 incidents and a total of 9 hectares of land affected," he said.

Emi said that in Jekan Raya District today there were eight incidents of land burned more than 3.3 hectares. For Bukit Tunggal Village, there were 6 incidents and 2 hectares of land burned, Menteng Village there were no incidents, Palangka Village 1 incident with a land area burned by a quarter hectares.

Then in Petuk Katim Village there was one incident, the area of land burned was more than 1 hectare.

In Pahandut District, precisely in Langkai Village, Pahandut Pahandut Seberang and Tumbang Rungan, there were absolutely no incidents. However, for Panarung Village, there was one incident and a quarter hectare of land burned, then Tanjung Pinang Village had one incident and 1 hectare of burned land. more.

For the total incident in Pahandut District, there were 2 plots of land that burned more than 1 hectare.

"In Sabangau District, only one kelurahan has occurred, namely Kalampangan Village, there were 3 incidents and an area of land burned by more than 3 hectares, while the total in Sabangau sub-district was recorded at more than 3 hectares," he explained.

In Bukit Batu District, precisely in Marang Village, there was one incident and only half a hectare of land burned.

"Meanwhile, in Rakumpit District, out of seven urban villages in the local area, there are absolutely no incidents per day," said Emi.