South Sulawesi Provincial Government Continues Repair Of Heavy Damaged Roads In Salaonovo-Ulugalung Wajo

MAKASSAR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of South Sulawesi through the Office of Highways and Construction Development of South Sulawesi continues the construction work of the Salaonovo-Ulugalung section road, which connects Wajo Regency and Soppeng Regency.

This provincial road section is one of the priorities of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government considering that this road is a high daily traffic category (LHR) with heavily damaged conditions.

"Alhamdulillah, we have started to gradually reconstruct the Salaonro-Ulugalung road. The handling is in segments that are severely damaged in Soppeng and Wajo Regencies," said South Sulawesi Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.

Currently, the progress of MC-0 is being carried out by the Office of Highways and Bina Kostruksi Sulsel in the field. The previous year was handled by the Salaonovo - Ulugalung section in Wajo Regency for 3.88 km.

Andi Sudirman hopes that the community will support the smooth construction work in accordance with the plan.

"So that later it will facilitate population mobility, goods and services," he explained.

The Regent of Wajo Amran Mahmud previously expressed his gratitude for the response and attention of the Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman.

"We would like to thank the Governor of South Sulawesi, Mr. Andi Sudirman Sulaiman and the South Sulawesi PUPR for working on the road. This has been awaited by the community for a long time," said Amran Mahmud.