Successfully Anticipate Forest Fires, 7 Villages In East Kalimantan Awarded
A total of seven villages in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) managed to protect land and plantations in the village area from fires after forming a fire care farmer group (KTPA) by the relevant agencies, so they were awarded the Fire-Free Village.
"The seven villages received an award of Rp50 million each from plantation companies, for successfully protecting the village area from the danger of plantation land fires throughout 2022," said Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Service Ahmad Muzakkir as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 29.
A total of seven villages that received the award came from two districts, namely Paser Regency, there were four villages, then West Kutai Regency there were three villages, while the party who received the award was KTPA in each village.
Accompanied by Asmirilda as Head of Sustainable Plantation Division, Ahmad continued that the award was given by two plantation companies operating around the village, this award is also part of the company in fostering KTPA.
The details are PT Muaratoyu Subur Lestari giving awards to four villages, namely Tualan Village, Mendik Village, Munggu Village, and Muaratoyu Village, the four of which are in Long Kali District, Paser Regency.
Then PT Kedap Sayaaq Dua gave awards to three KTPAs spread across three villages/ villages, namely Kampung Abit, Tondoh, and Kampung Karangan in Mook Manaar Bulatn District, West Kutai Regency.
"The award ceremony was held in each region, namely West Kutai Regency held at the Kampung Abit Postu page on Saturday (27/5), while in Paser Regency it will be held at the Long Kali District Office on Wednesday (31/5)," he said.
The award submission was carried out in conjunction with the agenda of standby rally activities followed by socialization and training to prevent land and plantation fires (karlabun), including the invitation to manage land without burning so that land becomes fertile and does not pollute the environment.
"The basis for preventing karlabun is the East Kalimantan Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Sustainable Plantation Development, for fertility of plantation land due to biomass from stacked or buried plantations will become natural fertilizer to fertilize the soil," said Asmirilda.