Still Confused To Fail To Get Coldplay Tickets, Astrid Basjar: Sad Until Now

Had participated in hunting for tickets for Coldplay concerts, musician Astrid Basjar admitted that she was still disappointed because she did not get a ticket.

"I'm still confused about not getting a ticket. I followed the war in a shadow, two days but I couldn't. It's really difficult. I don't know why I'm sad until now. I hope to get a miracle," Astrid said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday.

In addition, according to Astrid, getting a concert ticket today is more difficult than in the past. Because now technology is getting more sophisticated so that everyone can buy through their respective computers.

"In the past, I always seemed to get a concert ticket. In the past, when I watched Bjork, it was willing to queue or something but got it. How come it seems that now it's really difficult to compete with all the people. I'm looking for a category that sits in the middle, but I can't," Astrid said.

Astrid also revealed that she had thought about buying Coldplay tickets abroad such as Australia or Japan. However, the singer of 'Make Me The Second One' has not decided and is still hoping to get a ticket in Indonesia.

In addition, Astrid also responded to the news that many Coldplay fans were willing to make online loans in order to buy tickets. According to Astrid, it is better to use savings funds than make online loans, because interest on these loans will make the money that must be spent even greater.

"It seems like it's better to take savings. Or maybe if you really want, borrow from someone close to you. Because if the loan interest is very high. Maybe many people think when Coldplay will come to Indonesia. So maybe it doesn't matter (if you want to borrow). But if you borrow, you have to think about it again, "close Astrid.