Sri Mulyani Invites Ministry Of Finance Employees To Reflect On National Awakening Day

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani leads a ceremony to commemorate the 115th National Awakening Day within the Ministry of Finance.

On that occasion, the Minister of Finance conveyed a message to his staff to have the same connection and spirit as the fighters of the previous nation.

"I want today where we commemorate 115 years of National Awakening Day, all of you have a connection with the spirit and spirit of national revival as a manager of state finances, nagara dana rakca," Sri Mulyani said on Monday, May 22.

According to the state treasurer, employees of the Ministry of Finance must be able to carry out important national duties in accordance with the challenges of the times through state financial management.

Sri Mulyani added that the APBN that carries out its allocation, distribution, and stability functions needs to be maintained so that state finances are able to answer every challenge.

"If Indonesia is able to overcome various challenges of the pandemic, post-pandemic, world fragmentation, geopolitical tensions, soaring energy prices, increasing food prices, and state finances as state instruments continue to work hard to carry out their duties, maintain stabilization, improve justice through distribution functions, and improve competitiveness, and our ability to increase productivity and quality through the allocation function, then we must continue to maintain state finances to be able to answer every challenge of the times," he said.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani asked bulima children to continue to reflect in completing their duties and work.

Including improving oneself, also improving the organization so that it is able to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation.

"This morning commemorating National Awakening, raising your mind, raising your soul, raising your sense and spirit, for us to build starting from ourselves and our organization to an organization that is able to answer the challenges of the times and their nation," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.