Apple Rejects Nearly 1.7 Million Application Application Applications For Fear Of Fraud

JAKARTA - For years, Apple has stepped up its system to continue to monitor and detect account fraud quickly.

In 2021, Apple managed to stop more than 802,000 developer accounts because it has the potential to commit fraudulent activities. In 2022, thanks to the new App Store protocol, this number decreased to 428,000.

In addition, nearly 105,000 Apple Developer Program registration accounts were rejected for alleged fraudulent activities, preventing these criminals from sending applications to the App Store.

As is known, Apple conducts a number of security checks on each application before entering the App Store. During the development stage, Xcode systematically checks the app to ensure they use official technology and ensures the app meets the minimum requirements for the App Store.

After the developer uploads the app to the App Store Connect, additional checks are run to verify that the app does not refer to private APIs and is free from known malware.

After review, each shipment will be carefully viewed by members of the App Review team to ensure it meets Apple's quality and safety standards.

On average, Apple's team reviews more than 100,000 app shipments a week, with nearly 90 percent of them receiving reviews within 24 hours. After reviewing more than 6.1 million app shipments in 2022.

According to Apple, app reviews helped more than 185,000 developers publish their first app on the App Store, and made more than 20,000 phone calls to developers to help them diagnose and solve problems that led to refusal of app shipments.

In 2022, nearly 1.7 million application submissions were rejected from the App Store for various reasons, including concerns regarding fraud and privacy. Meanwhile, 24,000 other applications were successfully blocked or removed from the App Store due to bait violations and transfers like this in 2022.