Improving Community Economy In 3T Regions, Ministry Of Social Affairs Collaborates With IPB

BOGOR - Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) collaborates with IPB Higher Education for community empowerment in leading, outermost, and underdeveloped regions (3T). It is hoped that the people in isolated areas can be independent and increase economic power. This is said by Social Minister Tri Rismaharini at the IPB University Campus, Dramaga, Bogor, Wednesday 17 May. He said, empowerment of communities in 3T areas is very important to improve their human resources. "They will not get out of poverty if they only depend on social assistance (bansos). Therefore, we try what they can empower to improve their welfare," said Risma. For that, he continued, to add community skills in these isolated areas, the Ministry of Social Affairs collaborates with IPB to provide assistance in order to be able to empower the community. "Not only mentoring, but also with IPB innovations. For example, what kind of planting in this area, we provide. In this area what is suitable for planting, given innovation," explained Risma. Risma explained. Risma gave an example, the outermost regions of Sarmi Regency, Papua Province, which have never matched rice and corn. With methods and innovation IPB can finally match rice and corn planting. "This IPB technology and innovation, it is very helpful for us in the field to eradicate poverty," he said. There is also the Ministry of Social Affairs together with IPB making stoves for communities in the interior of East Aceh forest by utilizing oil palm waste. Thus, the people there are now able to improve their economic power. "If we want to improve their welfare, we have to increase their income and reduce their spending. We also teach them how to manage agriculture precisely for use," explained Risma. IPB sector Arif Satria added community empowerment in 3T regions involving lecturers, students, alumni, as well as local campuses in the nearby areas. "So together with the Ministry of Social Affairs supports in various poverty programs and in the future we will involve local universities," he explained.

The IPB college, continued Satria, has played a role in 4,200 villages in Indonesia or 5.7 percent of villages in Indonesia have been touched by IPB. "Hopefully with the Ministry of Social Affairs, IPB can touch more villages that are left behind with science and innovation from IPB," added Arif.