KY Opens Registration Of Candidates For Supreme Court Justices And Candidates For Ad Hoc HAM Judges
JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) opened the registration of candidates for Supreme Court justices and prospective judges of hoaxes (HAM) at the Supreme Court (MA).
Head of the Recruitment Division of Judge KY Siti Nurdjanah said the registration for the selection of candidates for Supreme Court justices and candidates for Hakimad HoHAM followed up on the letter from the deputy chairman of the Supreme Court for non-judicial fields.
"Some time ago, the Judicial Commission received two letters from the Supreme Court signed by the deputy chairman of the Supreme Court in the non-judicial field," Siti said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.
Siti said the first letter was Letter Number 1 / WKMA.Y / IV / 2023 regarding filling in the vacancy of the Supreme Court judge.
The number of vacancies in the position of Supreme Court justice, he continued, was a civil chamber chief judge, eight criminal chamber chief judges, and a special tax administration chamber (TUN) judge.
"The second letter, Number 2/WKMA.Y/IV/2023, is regarding filling the vacancy of the position of a human hochak judge at the Supreme Court," he continued.
The number of vacancies in the position of judge hobHAM in the Supreme Court is three people. Siti said the registration of candidates for Supreme Court justices and prospective judges for hoaxes was carried out online on 8-29 May 2023.
Several stages of selection that need to be passed are administrative selection, quality selection, health and personality selection, and interviews.
"Selection participants are asked to ignore promising parties that can help success or graduation in the selection process," he explained.
Meanwhile, Spokesperson for KY Miko Ginting said the opening of the selection for prospective Hakimad hoHAM in the Supreme Court was based on the DPR's decision that did not approve the proposal for a prospective judge for HJAM previously proposed by KY.
"The prospective judge at the Supreme Court is also based on the DPR's decision which does not approve all candidate proposals from the Judicial Commission even though the Judicial Commission has conducted a selection within a certain period of time," he explained.
The selection of the prospective judge is also because there is a need for handling cases whose files have entered the Supreme Court and need to be examined immediately by the panel of judges at the cassation level.
"Especially because there is a need for handling cases, especially in the Paniai case, the file has gone to the Supreme Court and is very urgent to be examined as soon as possible," said Miko.