Ejaculation More Than Once In One Time Potentially The Number Of Sperms Decreased And Infertile
YOGYAKARTA The refractory period after ejaculation at one time is quite varied. Therefore, in men it seems difficult to multiple ejaculation. Even according to experts, ejaculation is more than once at a time, sperm number decreases to the infertile limit or infertility. What does that mean? Psychological Professor David Rowland explained, the refractory period is the interval of time between the first orgasm and the next orgasm. This term suggests that the body has a mystery because there is no definite benchmark. However, a small fraction of men admit to being able to have orgasm many times.
Most men have to wait long enough before they can restart or have an erection. Launching Men's Journal, Wednesday, May 3, the refractory period lasts at least 30-40 minutes for most men. Obviously Rowland, there is no normal size of the refractory interval time. But this varies and depends on the situation.
As we age, the refractory period lengthens. One that explains the existence of a refractory period, is with an evolutionary perspective.
"This is one way to ensure that there is a high number of sperm with every sexual interaction experiment, which then increases the possibility of insemination, pregnancy, and so on," explains Rowland.
Ejaculation causes a decrease in sperm number directly. Then it takes some time to produce it back. If a man experiences ejaculation more than once in a relatively short time, his high sperm number can drop to levels indicating insurance, adds Rowland. This is why many male fertility experts advise men to wait at least two days between ejaculation in order to get optimal sperm counts.
In physiological reasons, the brain gives a signal to prevent the temporary erectile process after orgasm and then orgasm. Although Rowland disagrees with this perspective, facts show other things.
Rowland said, the process of erection to ejaculation is not centered on the brain but on local circuits in the body. So many experts show that muscle stretching during stimulation and arousal increases which cause stretching in the pelvic area. This builds a pressure that then releases cement and sperm when orgasm and ejaculation. Along with that, the next orgasm is hampered. That is, giving a day lag there is no problem. To be sure, there is no normal size so the refractory period varies widely, especially in men. However, if planning pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor in order to get optimal sperm quality for egg fertilization.