Metro Jaya Police Chief Calls The Perpetrator Of The Shooting Of The MUI Office From Lampung, His Body Will Be Autopsied
JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto spoke about the shooting incident at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 2, at around 10:00 WIB. Karyoto said after meeting the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin, he was reluctant to speculate about the incident.
"I don't want to speculate, we met with the Central Jakarta Police Chief and others, it's true at 11.24 WIB that an unknown man entered the MUI building to meet. But in Pamdal he was detained because it was not clear who he wanted to meet. " said Karyoto at the MUI office.
Karyoto continued, officers also found small grains of bullets and gas cylinders. Thus, the statement of the perpetrator using an air softgun is very close to the facts.
The so-called air softgun, not a firearm. For details, we will ask for it to the Labfor. Then there was indeed one victim who was shot in the back. The suspect (suspect) came out, the same as Pamdal and the employee inside. Then he was arrested, for a while this perpetrator fainted. He was taken to the police station, and is currently at the Menteng Health Center. Currently his condition is dead. And this perpetrator has a KTP, a domicile in Lampung. We will also autopsy what are the reasons concerned. Do you still have the disease that cannot be concluded. We must examine the shooting wound, it is hoped that the background of the documents regarding what this suspect wants." explained Karyoto.
Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas said that at the time of the incident, the shooting at the MUI office, he was holding a meeting with his colleagues. However, he received information that he had a person who was suspected.
"We are in a meeting, so if there is information according to the officer, this person claims to be a prophet. And he has come here twice to meet with the Head of MUI", Anwar Abbas told reporters, Tuesday, April 2.
Abbas also said that the shooting occurred before the perpetrator entered the elevator to meet the Head of MUI. However, it was prevented. And it is known that the weapon used by the perpetrator is an air softgun type.
Before he entered the elevator, it was a shooting. The weapon, the air softgun, yes. But there is a shell. So this has entered the criminal realm, threatening people's lives."
Abbas hopes that the police will thoroughly investigate the shooting case.
MUI gave it all to the police. What is clear is that there was an employee who was injured on his back. The second is that the glass on the back was broken. There were two versions, because the shot or yes because the glass was broken. It is suspected that because an employee ran away, his hand was injured, he had been sewn, 10 stitches. Beber Abbas.