Fishing Vessels In Indonesia Must Activate SPKP, KKP Says Fishermen's Arrests Will Be Alloted Can't Overdo Quota

JAKARTA - Fishing vessels that have obtained permits are required to activate the Fishery Ship Monitoring System (SPKP). This provision is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 11 of 2023 concerning Measurable Fishing (PIT).

This was emphasized by the Director of Licensing and Service at the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ukon Ahmad Furqon who said that ships whose operating permits were granted by the KKP or Regional Governments were required to carry out SPKP.

"One important thing is SPKP, with the enactment of PP 11 of 2023 not only for ships whose permits are issued by the ministry but also required for ships whose permits are issued by the local government with a transition period of 1 year, so all regional permit ships are required to use and activate SPKP," said Ukon in Bincang Bahari Era Baru Perikanan Capture which was monitored online, Tuesday, April 4, confiscated by Antara.

Through this SPKP, it is hoped that in the future monitoring related to fishing areas can be better monitored in the country's fisheries management area of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI).

As previously reported, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trengono said that the quota-based measurable fishing policy was officially promulgated on Monday, March 6.

A measurable fishing program is needed so that the fishery population is well maintained. Later, said Trenggono, there will be three types of quotas that will be given within the scope of a measurable fishing policy.

The three types of quota are quotas that will be given to fishing actors; quotas are given to local or coastal communities; and quotas for education, training, and hobbies.

Measuring fishing based on quota is one of five blue economic policies promoted by the KKP.

Four other policies include the addition of marine conservation areas; development of marine, coastal and freshwater cultivation; management of marine plastic waste; and sustainable management of coastal and small islands.

As for now, the KKP is preparing derivative regulations from Government Regulation (PP) No. 11 of 2023 concerning PIT, one of which is technical arrangements related to fishing quotas and calculation procedures.