Hotman Paris Claims Success After Ferry Irawan Investigation Files Are Completed

JAKARTA - The case file for alleged domestic violence (KDRT) with the suspect Ferry Irawan has been completed and has been handed over by the East Java Regional Police to the Kediri District Attorney's Office.

Hotman Paris, Venna Melinda's attorney as the reporter in the case expressed his satisfaction. "I'm Venna Melinda's lawyer, I have to be (satisfied), meaning I'm successful. I'm the lawyer against her opponent, so I'm satisfied," he said when met by the media crew at Senayan Park, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 17, 2023.

With this delegation of cases, Hotman considered that what Venna had stated so far was the truth, and that his client did not deserve to be blasphemed.

Furthermore, he compared what he was doing with the lawyer from Fery Irawan. Hotman satirized the behavior of the lawyer against his client who often held press conferences.

“Venna Melinda was not blasphemed because she was successful, I helped her. I succeeded, and already want to trial. But the opponent's team always held a prescon (press conference) with grandma," he said.

Making an analogy of his work with a contractor, the Batak-blooded lawyer said he was happy with the process that has gone so far.

"I'm the attorney for the reporting party, I'm sure I'll be happy. Just like a contractor, when the house is finished he is happy. That's my job,” concluded Hotman Paris.