Press Stunting Prevalence, Bridals In Kaltara Undergo Hemoglobin Examination

In order to reduce stunting rates, the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bulungan, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) conducted a specific intervention regarding the examination of hemoglobin or protein in the red blood cell of the bride-to-be in order to prevent lajustunting in the local area. "As a result, stunting prevalence according to sub-districts in 2021 to 2022 fell from 22.9 percent to 18.9 percent, with a national target of 18.4 percent," said Bulungan Regent Syarwani in Tanjung Selor, Sunday, March 12. In addition to specific interventions related to hemoglobin examinations for bride-to-be, a sensitive intervention was also carried out regarding the addition of social assistance recipient allocations, posyandu revitalization, as well as the provision of clean water and sanitation. The regent also hopes that there will be a central government synergy in efforts to accelerate stunting and poverty reduction in the regions through support for financing and validation of integrated social welfare data (DTKS) and P3KE targeting the acceleration of extreme poverty (P3KE).

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked for the handling of stunting and extreme poverty in North Kalimantan to continue to be accelerated. These two problems must be handled in an integrated and concurrent manner. "Extreme poor families have great stunting potential. This means that when dealing with extreme poverty, they will also solve stunting. Therefore the intervention must go hand in hand as well," said Muhadjir Effendy. Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture said that the condition of families experiencing extreme poverty with families who have high risk of stunting. Sensitive and specific interventions to overcome both are similar. "In the sense of specific intervention is related to medical conditions, the health of mothers, babies, and adolescents to prevent stunting. And sensitive interventions such as sanitation for the availability of clean water, drinking water, limitations of communication tools or transportation facilities," he said.