Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil: Job Creation Perppu Supports The Business World Is Increasingly Developing

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) revealed that the fundamental of the Government Regulation in Lieu of the Job Creation Law is to change the way the bureaucracy works in Indonesia.

According to him, this effort was made so that the business world could develop more, operate properly, so as to absorb labor.

"We have to make sure the business world can operate in peace. It is assisted to meet all existing provisions so that they can be registered, can recruit workers properly, can have legal certainty, can carry out all business operations in accordance with applicable regulations," he said in a written statement from Bali on Thursday, March 9.

Suahasil explained, the Job Creation Perppu covers various fields, such as tourism, the creative economy, MSMEs, land, railways, hospitals, housing, and the environment.

For this reason, he advised all ministries/agencies to review policies and regulations in their respective sectors so that the business sector will develop more rapidly.

"I really leave it to the entire bureaucracy, please review what we can do so that we can make a more advanced business world," he said.

Suahasil added, local governments can synergize with ministries or technical institutions in the central government to be able to encourage the development of the business world in their respective regions.

Several times I have gone to Denpasar, Bali and seen rapidly developing economic activity. This is our opportunity from the ministry and local governments to regain economic recovery, improve community welfare, income for the community and all of our workers," said the Deputy Minister of Finance.

Deputy Sri Mulyani also encouraged ministries or institutions to intensify socialization and public dialogue regarding the Job Creation Perppu.

"I want the socialization to be carried out repeatedly by every relevant ministry. Because what has to change is the ministry, what must change is its bureaucracy to better understand the aspirations of the business world," he said.

Furthermore, Suahasil expressed his appreciation to business actors who have provided input to the government regarding the Job Creation Perppu to further accommodate the needs of the business world. "The business actors who are present today, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the input provided. We should review the input angles and become the material for us to see that the business world operates more calmly, can develop, can recruit more workers. This is the opportunity for you, business actors, please remain willing to provide good input through various ways," he concluded.