Turns Out Customs Officer Eko Darmanto's Big Motorbike Not Reported At LHKPN

JAKARTA – New facts have been revealed regarding the problems involving the Head of the Yogyakarta Customs Office, Eko Darmanto (ED).

It was stated that ED's penchant for displaying luxury on the Instagram social media account turned out to open a separate veil. One of the concerns is the alleged ownership of a big motorbike (moge).

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara revealed that the photo of the motorbike uploaded by ED was not his own. Even so, Suahasil has other important information.

"However, ED admits that he also has big motorbike assets that are not reported in the State Administration Asset Report (LHKPN)," he said when giving a statement to reporters on Wednesday evening, March 1.

For information, this is of course contrary to the applicable provisions, namely that public officials are required to provide LHKPN information regarding assets owned.

ED is listed as an echelon III official at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance.

"On this matter, I have instructed the Inspectorate General team of the Ministry of Finance and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to follow up with further investigation and research on behavior, compatibility of assets and debts. As well as exploring ethical violations from ED, "said Suahasil.