Qualcomm Launches Cloud Software Service That Can Track Shipments

JAKARTA - Qualcomm Inc. has just launched a cloud-based software service for developers and enterprises to leverage real-time information and data insights to accelerate digital transformation programs.

Dubbed Qualcomm Aware Platform, it will work with Qualcomm chips that go into tracking devices for shipping containers, pallets, packages, and other parts of the supply chain to help companies track where their goods are.

The San Diego, California-based technology giant is the world's largest provider of chips that help smartphones connect to cellular data networks.

But Qualcomm is putting its wireless communications specialization to good use to enter other markets where there are devices that need to communicate with the Internet, such as cars and factories.

Hence, the Qualcomm Aware platform was launched. Working closely with Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Systems Integrators (SIs), this Qualcomm Aware will enable enterprises to quickly and efficiently deploy pre-engineered solutions in ways tailored to their needs.

Most of those trackers are built by third parties, but the company makes a few of its own, such as tilt sensors that can be attached to utility poles to report whether they've rolled over during a thunderstorm.

Qualcomm Aware offers a customizable framework and implements standard APIs, designed to provide seamless interoperability with private clouds, industry-specific application platforms, and existing enterprise software for enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management, inventory management, and other.

One of the first of these integrations is with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Customers can design solutions to meet their specific business needs, as quoted by Reuters, Wednesday, February 22.

There is no pricing information for this new service publicly, but Qualcomm Aware is a new source for making more money from its chips.