Minister Of Education And Technology Nadiem After 227 Unja Students At Campus Teaching To Be Teachers In The Country

JAMBI - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim released 227 Jambi University (Unja) students who participated in the Campus Teaching Program to become driving teachers in the country.

The Minister of Education and Technology appreciated the students who dared to leave their comfort zones starting to work in target schools.

"The students involved in the Teaching Campus Program are students who dare to leave their comfort zones to contribute," he said during an online release event, Friday, February 17, which was confiscated by Antara.

Nadiem is ready to wait for an inspiring story from students who take part in the Teaching Campus Program.

He said, the experience of this program can be a valuable provision for students who will not be obtained in the classroom.

Furthermore, he said, more than 70 thousand students since 2020 have benefited. Students of the Campus Teaching Program are selected students who have successfully passed a series of tests and have the potential to become driving teachers.

He hopes that the students will give the best dedication to their respective assignments.

The Campus Teaching Program is part of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) policy which provides opportunities for students to study outside lecture classes for one semester.

Students learn by becoming teacher partners in schools in formulating strategies for accelerating the strengthening of students' literacy and numeracy abilities.

The Coordinator of the Merdeka Learning Center for the Merdeka Campus, Unja Sri Winarni, said that students could be a problem for solvers and collaborate in running the Class 5 Teaching Campus program.

"Be a good solver problem in finding solutions to all obstacles and obstacles in achieving the goal, namely being able to collaborate with teachers to innovate in learning to strengthen literacy and numeracy in placement schools," he said.

Nationally, 21,383 students from 727 universities throughout Indonesia will serve in 5,113 elementary schools and junior high schools from Sabang to Merauke. In addition, 2,567 field supervisors are also ready to assist these students.