Getting To Know Various Trauma, Causes, And Bad Impacts

YOGYAKARTA - Trauma is a mental disorder that is often experienced by many people. Trauma is interpreted as emotional behavior that occurs due to the inability to escape from bad experiences in the past. There are all kinds of traumas that a person can experience.

In simple terms, trauma can be referred to as past wounds that are still deposited to date. The trauma arises due to an emotional response to past events that are painful or disturbing. In fact, everyone must have their own traumas.

However, the trauma experienced by everyone can vary depending on the bad experiences that have hurt psychologically or mentally. The past wounds in question can be in the form of fear, depression, hatred, disappointment, and so on. Various traumas themselves have differences from their causes and symptoms.

Psychological trauma is a mental or mental damage that has a bad effect on a person's life. Trauma can interfere with daily activities, ranging from behavior, way of thinking, to how to establish a relationship with someone. There are several types of trauma that a person can experience, as follows.

This type of trauma is also callednah (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). People who suffer from this trauma experience mental health problems in the form of excessive anxiety. Mental disorders are caused by past experience that is unpleasant or hurts their feelings.

Complex trauma embedded in a person is caused by some bad experiences in the past. So this trauma is not only due to one traumatic event. This trauma can be caused by sexual harassment, lack of attention, neglect, bullying and so on. This trauma can make a person easily stressed, feel stressed, and so on.

This trauma is caused by the experience of feeling the loss of a loved one or loved one. Examples of this trauma are for example when someone is abandoned by their family, wife, child, or lover. Patients with this trauma usually have a gloomy attitude, quietness, and isolation.

At a more severe level, this trauma can cause hallucinations to appear in the sufferer. For example, the person imagines that his girlfriend is still beside and spending the days with him. People with this trauma can even talk to themselves and others.

This type of trauma also occurs a lot in a person. Trauma bullying or bullying is caused by actions that cause emotional, physical, psychological, and social harm. This action usually occurs repeatedly to make a very impression on the sufferer.

Bulling in emotional form is experienced from actions such as insults, neglect, exile, and so on. Physical bullying can be in the form of actions such as hitting, binding bodies, and kicking. This type of trauma can affect a person's image of the sufferer. Even this trauma can make the sufferer experience depression, low self-esteem, despair, and so on.

Another type of trauma that often occurs is sexual harassment. This trauma can be experienced by both women and men and children to adults. But most of these traumas are suffered by women. This trauma is caused by acts of sexual harassment experienced by the sufferer.

The frequent acts of sexual harassment are touching the victim's body. But that's not all because sexual harassment can also take the form of other actions such as exhibitionism (showing pornography to the victim) voyeurism (see the victim's naked body).

Natural disaster trauma occurs in people who have experienced natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, and so on. This trauma arises from the impact of disasters, ranging from death, physical disabilities, economic difficulties, and so on. These bad events make an impression on a person's feelings so that they can develop into anxiety disorders or panic.

Trauma can also be caused by past medical experiences. Childhood treatment triggers a person's psychological and physiological response to injury, pain, serious illness, and certain medical procedures.

The impact of this trauma can make a person panic and be depressed on matters related to treatment. For example, sufferers will feel pressured when visiting a hospital, meeting medical personnel, and some of them.

That's the review of the kinds of trauma that can be experienced by everyone. The trauma experienced by people is caused by the bad experiences that have happened in his past and is still making an impression until now. Trauma is a serious problem because it can interfere with a person's life. If you experience it, you need to consult a psychologist.

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