Man Without Identity Found Dead in Ciputat, Police Allegedly Electrocuted

TANGERANG - An unidentified man (Mr.X) was found dead at Aria Putra RT 001/02, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, February 16, at 16.00 WIB.

East Ciputat Police Chief, Commissioner Agung Nugroho confirmed the discovery. It is suspected that the victim died due to electric shock.

“The victim died allegedly due to electric shock. (Because) there is a wire connected to a socket at the agate stall at (the incident site)", Agung said when confirmed, Thursday, February 16.

Agung explained that the initial discovery of the body came from a witness report, Nani, who saw a man lying at the crime scene (TKP).

The witness then reported to the local RT. Then forwarded to the police.

"It turned out that it was true that the victim was in a state of death and then reported it to the Serua Polsubsector", he said.

Agung made sure there were no signs of violence or sharp objects. Therefore, the victim is currently being taken to the hospital, for further action.

"There were no signs of violence. The victim is currently being taken to Fatmawati Hospital", he concluded.