Preparation For The 2024 Election, Disdukcapil Picks Up The Ball To Record Mental Disorder Patient's Documents In Kendari

KENDARI - The Kendari City Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) has picked up the ball to help residents complete population documents and accelerate registration, especially for people with mental disorders (ODGJ).

"This time, the target is for people with mental disorders (ODGJ) and people with disabilities to record Electronic Identity Cards (e-KTP)," said Kadis Capil Kendari, Iswanto Donge in Kendari, Wednesday.

He said, every citizen, including the ODGJ, was also required to have an e-KTP. This effort is also a step to collect population data for the 2024 general election.

"We continue to record on the field or with a ball pick-up system. Especially those we target persons with disabilities and ODGJ," said Iswanto.

The ball pick-up carried out by the Kendari City Disdukcapil is a collaboration with the local government which reports that there are still residents who have not recorded their e-KTP.

"The ODGJ was proposed by the local government. Even during the recording, our officers assisted directly. The ODGJ recorded were those who still had families. There were 10 people with disabilities and two ODGJ who were recording in Nambo District," he said.

Iswanto also hopes that the role and participation of other sub-districts in Kendari City will be to record citizens whose population administration has not been recorded, especially if they do not have an e-KTP.

"We urge the sub-district and urban village as well as the local RT-RW to record and report residents who do not yet have an e-KTP, especially for OGDJ and people with disabilities. We from Disdukcapil go straight to pick up the ball and do direct recording at residents' homes," he hoped.

The activity of breaking or picking up the ball is carried out to support the central government's policy in accelerating recording and related to social welfare services that must have an ID card and family card. ODGJ, the Elderly, and Disabilities, are also entitled to obtain e-KTP.