Vonis Untuk Mardani Maming: 10 Tahun Bui, Bayar Uang Persuai Rp110 Miliar Dan Jam Richard Mille Dirampas Negara

JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court, South Kalimantan sentenced the former Regent of Tanah Bumbu Mardani H Maming to 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.

"The defendant has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption as regulated and threatened with criminal sanctions Article 12 letter b Junto Article 18 of the Law (UU) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption," said Chief Justice Heru Kuntjoro in Banjarmasin, Friday 10 February.

Mardani was also asked to pay a replacement money of Rp110,604,731,752. If he does not pay within one month after the decision has permanent legal force, his property will be confiscated for auction.

However, if it is not sufficient, it will be replaced with imprisonment for two years.

The panel of judges also ordered two luxury watches of the Richard Mille brand which were said to be one of the tools for gratification transactions to be confiscated for the state.

On this decision, Mardani, who attended the trial virtually from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) building in Jakarta, expressed his thoughts.

The former regent of Tanah Bumbu for two periods admitted that what he was accused of was slander, so he would continue to fight for justice.

Meanwhile, KPK prosecutor Budhi Sarumpaet appreciated the decision of the panel of judges which was similar to the demands of the prosecutor's team which demanded 10 years and six months in prison.

"We reported the leadership first while waiting for the legal steps taken by the defendant later after seven days of thinking about it," he said.

It is known that in this case, Mardani, who was previously the General Chair of BPP Hipmi, was charged with having received a gift or gratuity from a mining entrepreneur, namely the former Director of PT Prolindo Cipta Nusantara (PCN) of the late Henry Soetio with a total of no less than Rp118 billion while serving as Regent of Tanah Bumbu regarding the Decree of the Regent of Tanah Bumbu Number 296 of 2011 concerning approval for the transfer of the mining business permit for IUP OP from PT BKPL to PT PCN.