Ganjar Wants Job Vacancies In Cilacap-Banyumas-Purbalingga Prioritizes HR From Extremely Poor Families

JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, continues to intensify the eradication of extreme poverty in various regions of Central Java. Most recently, he gathered stakeholders in three districts; Cilacap, Banyumas, and Purbalingga.

"So today's meeting, tactical, practical, done," said Ganjar at a poverty alleviation coordination meeting in Cilacap, Thursday, February 2.

Ganjar explained that there are 37 priority villages in Cilacap Regency that have extreme poverty problems. While in Purbalingga there are 38 villages and Banyumas as many as 60 villages.

The indicators used to determine this include not having a latrines, not having a source of drinking water, not having electricity, the house is categorized as unfit for habitation, individuals at risk of stunting, and children not attending school (7-18 years).

Ganjar admitted that his party had prepared four intervention programs to address extreme poverty in Central Java.

First, determine the locus of intervention in stages. This program maps the loci using the relative position of poverty presentation which is above the provincial and national levels in 17 districts in Central Java.

Then, it was accompanied by the determination of priority villages from each priority district using the comparison of 1 decile P3KE data with the 2021 IKG in 923 villages in Central Java.

Second, designing intervention programs based on poverty characteristics.

Third, the individual approach in which the program is implemented is based on the benefits that individuals receive directly so that the impact is immediate and short-term.

Finally, a collective approach based on benefits with a wider scale and spatial dimension. The impact is medium to long.

In order to accelerate this, Ganjar also conveyed his efforts to absorb labor by linking and matching with industries and companies in Central Java.

Ganjar said that there were many vacancies in Cilacap, Banyumas, and Purbalingga. However, Ganjar said that currently, he is prioritizing human resources who come from poor families.

"Later we will help and communicate with the companies. So that later in the family there will be a backbone," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also said that his party would also optimize various financial sources in Central Java, both from the state and private budgets to support the acceleration of extreme poverty alleviation in Central Java.

Ganjar also encourages mutual cooperation to help the poor. He gave an example of a village head who initiated a poor resident assisted by five neighbors in the vicinity.

More than that, Ganjar asked related regional heads to oversee and continue to monitor various poverty intervention programs in their respective regions, as well as optimizing the role of the community, philanthropy, and non-governmental organizations.