Invited To An Audience Meeting At DPRD Commission B, Ojol Prefers To Continue The Demonstration Against ERP

JAKARTA - A group of online motorcycle taxi (ojol) drivers staged a demonstration in front of the DPRD DKI Jakarta building to voice their rejection of plans to implement electronic road pricing (ERP).

At the same time, DKI Jakarta DPRD Commission B also held a working meeting with the DKI Transportation Agency to discuss the continuation of the ERP plan whose regulations are currently being drafted.

Knowing that there was a demonstration in front of his office, Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Jakarta Ismail decided to leave his room and approach the demonstrators in front of the gates of the DPRD DKI building, Kebon Sirih Street, Central Jakarta.

Through loudspeakers, the orator of the action announced their wish to meet with the Chairman of the DPRD DKI Jakarta, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi. After approaching the command car for several minutes, Ismail returned to the DKI DPRD building.

Met at the location, Ismail explained that his intention was to meet with the demonstrators because he wanted representatives of the action participants to have an official audience and formally explain their demands for the action.

"We want to appreciate this community group and then we will present their representatives at the commission B working meeting with related agencies in the ERP discussion. The goal is that they can convey directly, be heard directly not only by the representatives of the people, but also the executive," said Ismail, Wednesday, January 25.

As it turned out, this ojol group did not want to have an audience with the DKI DPRD Commission B and firmly wanted to meet the DKI DPRD Chairperson in person. They decided to hold a demonstration in front of the DPRD building.

"Earlier, we saw that community representatives refused to be present together at the meeting. They wanted to meet the DPRD chairman. Yes, we can't force it," said Ismail.

"But at least, in writing, we have been able to capture their aspirations and we will still strive for this in our future discussion meetings," he continued.

Until this news was written, the ojol group was still holding action in front of the DKI DPRD building. They also filled half of the road and caused traffic jams on Kebon Sirih Street.

considered will be charged a road fee like other private motorized vehicles.

So, DKI Pemprov will also charge the ERP rates to online motorcycle taxi vehicles. The reason is, these vehicles are not included in the yellow plate vehicles (public transportation).

In the results of the DKI Transportation Agency's study, there are factors that are taken into consideration by motorcycles being included in the ERP tariff imposition. Referring to DKI Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data in 2020, the number of motorcycles in one year has increased by around 5.3 percent.

Then, the implementation of the odd-even traffic control effort has resulted in 37 percent of car users switching to motorcycles, 17 percent switching to motorcycle taxis and online transportation, and only 27 percent switching to public transportation.

Now, a draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Electronic Traffic Control which regulates paid roads has been prepared. Pemprov and DPRD DKI have also held initial discussions regarding the contents of the draft regional regulation, but discussion of article by article has not yet been carried out.