National Nutrition Day Is The Right Moment To Strengthen Public Education About The Importance Of A Healthy Lifestyle
JAKARTA - Dr. Yudhi Wibowo, a field epidemiologist from Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto, said that National Nutrition Day, which is celebrated every January 25, is the right moment to strengthen public education about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
"National Nutrition Day is the right moment to strengthen socialization and education regarding the importance of a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutritional intake," he said, as quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 24.
The lecturer at the Unsoed Purwokerto Faculty of Medicine, Central Java, added that currently there are three things that need to be of concern to all parties, from stakeholders to the community.
"Those three things include non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, and nutritional problems, both problems of excess nutrition and malnutrition, including stunting," he said.
Therefore, he said, National Nutrition Day is the right moment to increase the commitment of all parties to increase their active role in efforts to deal with nutrition problems through socialization and education.
"Thus, it is hoped that it will be able to increase public awareness and understanding regarding the importance of the involvement and active role of all parties in efforts to deal with nutrition problems," he said.
He added that National Nutrition Day is also the right moment to increase early detection or periodic health checks, especially those related to child development.
"Surely this early detection can be optimized through the participation of the posyandu in each village," he said.
He also said that the existence of posyandu needs to be continuously optimized because it plays an important role in efforts to reduce the prevalence of stunting.
"Posyandu has an important role, one of which is to carry out early detection related to health conditions and child development through the mother and child health book or MCH book," said Yudhi.
He added that the increasingly controlled condition of the COVID-19 pandemic was the right momentum to optimize the role of posyandu.
"For example, if a child when examined at the posyandu is found to have lost weight or is underweight or there are problems with his growth, then he can immediately follow up with a consultation with a pediatrician," he said.