7 Cheap And Romantic Honeymoon Places In Bandung, Immediately Booking!

YOGYAKARTA - A newly married couple can't wait to enjoy their honeymoon. One of the cities in Indonesia that is widely used as a honeymoon destination is Bandung. There are several cheap and romantic honeymoon places in Bandung.

Kota yang berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat ini banyak dipilih karena menawarkan berbagai destinasi wisata, mulai dari wisata alam, kuliner, budaya, dan lainnya. Penggunjung Bandung untuk beberapa hari adalah pilihan bulan madu yang tepat untuk Anda dan pasangan.

Especially for those of you who want to find a honeymoon place with a cold and cool atmosphere. Going around to several places in the city, dubbed Paris van Java, is certainly very romantic and mines intimacy with your partner after marriage.

There are many places in Bandung that you can choose to spend your honeymoon with your partner. For lodging, you don't need to be confused because in this city there are many lodgings with affordable rates. Regarding food, you will definitely be tempted by the typical Sundanese culinary dish.

The following are recommendations for cheap and romantic honeymoon venues in Bandung for you and your partner:

One of the places that you must visit with your partner while in Bandung is the Floating Market Lembang. This place offers floating market tours that contain various culinary dishes and attractive attractions.

Natural nuances and cool air on the Floating Market Lembang will make you and your partner feel at peace. You can take your partner by water train around the lake or culinary tours on the floating market. In addition, you can also visit Mini City, Rainbow Garden, and the Japanese interior Kyotoku area.

The choice of another honeymoon venue in Bandung is Sapu Lidi. Sapu Lidi is a tourist destination concept that combines cafes and resorts. In this place, you and your partner can stay overnight while enjoying a beautiful and cool view.

You can invite your partner to a romantic dinner to enjoy the typical Sundanese dish. The lights that lined up by the pool will add to your moment becoming more romantic. Each room has a wooden nuance and is covered so that you and your partner can feel the intimacy even more intimate. Interestingly, every room is on a lake like a house on stilts.

You can also choose The Lodge Maribaya as a honeymoon place with your partner. This tourist destination offers lodging with a natural concept, namely glamorous camping or glamping. A cold and cool mountain atmosphere will make you and your partner feel at home enjoying the intimate moments here.

The Lodge Maribaya is spread over an area of 3 hectares and at an altitude of more than 2,080 meters above sea level. You and your partner can do a lot of activities here. In addition, here also have several types of lodging with different facilities.

In Bandung there is also an inn with the Japanese concept. You can use this place called Villa Air Natural Resort as a choice for honeymoon with your partner. All homestays here are designed to use all-woody decorations such as traditional homes in Japan.

You can invite your partner to stay here to feel the honeymoon as it is in the country of entrepreneurs. You will enjoy a natural atmosphere with a view of running water along the river that is directly in front of your room. In addition, you can also enjoy various tourist rides here, such as riding, learning botanically, gardening fruits.

Imah Artist can be a choice for cheap honeymoons in Bandung. This place provides a very affordable inn of around Rp. 500 thousand. Here you can enjoy the natural atmosphere of the lake. The rooms here are near the lake so that you and your partner can come into direct contact with nature.

Imah Artist does not only provide lodging. Here there are also many tourist attractions that you can enjoy. You can invite your partner to fish together. You can also invite your partner to enjoy the excitement of the outbound.

The next honeymoon spot in Bandung that you can make a destination for is Dago Dream Park. This place offers a number of exciting and unique interesting tours that will be memorable for you and your partner. There are a number of rides such asEARed Up, airfall Cross, Row A Boat, Los in Paradise, and others.

In addition, at Dago Dream Park there are also many interesting photo spots. You and your partner can capture the exciting moments together so that they can be remembered in the future. A number of available photo spots, including Gravity, Sky Hammock, Sky Tree, Cherttleda, Pine House, Up House, and others.

There is another recommended place that you can choose for your honeymoon with your partner. You can stay at the Cikole Graphics in the Lembang area. Places located at the foot of this mountain provide lodging and a restaurant. The rates set to stay at this place start at IDR 500,000. Here you can enjoy the moment of your honeymoon while feeling the freshness of nature.

That is the recommendation of a cheap and romantic honeymoon place in Bandung. You can choose one of the destinations above as the choice of an inn. Next you will just go around to other places in the city of Bandung.

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