Cabinet Secretary: Jokowi Allows Erick Thohir to Advance as Head of PSSI

JAKARTA - Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung, said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) allowed Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, to run as a candidate for Chairman of the All Indonesian Football Association (PSSI).

"Mr. Erick is running, he must have asked the President for permission, Mr. Erick can't run without the President's permission. Yes (the President) allowed Mr. Erick Thohir to run as a candidate, that's clear", said Pramono in Jakarta, Monday, January 16, confiscated by Antara.

Pramono emphasized that, regarding Erick Thohir's advancement as a candidate for General Chair of PSSI, President Jokowi would not intervene. He said the head of state left the election process and mechanism entirely to PSSI.

Pramono is reluctant to speculate whether Erick Thohir will have to step down or whether he has the opportunity to hold two positions if he is elected as the General Chair of PSSI.

What is clear, continued Pramono, is that Erick Thohir has already reported to the President about his steps to run for office.

"Now it's up to the voters whether to vote for Mr. Erick or Mr. La Nyalla, or whoever is a candidate", he said.

As is well known, SOE Minister Erick Thohir is running as a candidate for General Chair of PSSI 2023-2027. Apart from Erick, there is also the name of DPD Chairperson La Nyalla Mattalitti who is also running for office.