Police Arrest The Shabu Troops Ordered By The Boss From Inside The Prison

TANGERANG - Various ways have been done by drug dealers so that the illicit business can run smoothly. Even in the cell, drug dealers can still make narcotics transactions through the courier they choose. Joki or horses, the term that applies among drug players from within the cell. Joki, or horses are people who are trusted by drug dealers in the cell, to send goods up to the hands of the buyer.

The arrest of a methamphetamine courier on Jalan Baru, Tobat Village, Balaraja District, Tangerang Regency is proof that an inmate can arrange transactions, when and where the goods are brought.

One of them is AHF (27), a drug courier who was recently arrested by a member of the Balaraja Police, Tangerang. The unemployed man was arrested by the authorities while sending crystal methamphetamine.

The way AHF does is unique. He attached a package of methamphetamine to the lights on the road, which had been marked and agreed upon by the buyer. This method is done to trick residents or lurking police.

"The perpetrator was unemployed, a resident of Balaraja. He was arrested while trying to distribute methamphetamine by attaching it to a lamp or knife on a roadside pole," he explained, Thursday, January 5.

Putra said, the perpetrator was a network of prisoners in the Penitentiary (Lapas). The way the perpetrator got the methamphetamine began when the AF was contacted by one of the prison inmates (narapidana) via WhatsApp. Then, the perpetrator's friend in the prison sent the location of the methamphetamine collection.

"When they get that point, the perpetrator immediately takes the item and it will be circulated in the Balaraja area and its surroundings," he said.

The perpetrator got the profit promised by his friend who was in prison for around Rp. 600,000 from the sale of methamphetamine. From the hands of the perpetrators, the police confiscated 6 small packages of methamphetamine.

"For his actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 114 paragraph (1) and Article 112 paragraph (1) of Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years," he concluded.