Reject The Proportional System Closed In The 2024 General Election, PSI: Perpetrates Kerakyatan Democracy

JAKARTA - PSI rejects the discourse of a closed proportional system in the 2024 election. According to him, the system is a form of betrayal against democracy if it is re-implemented in a five-year democratic party.

"PSI rejects the implementation of a closed proportional system in the 2024 General Election for several reasons," said PSI DPP spokesman Ariyo Bimmo in his statement, Friday, December 30, confiscated by Antara. This, he continued, responded to the discourse made by several political parties that intend to turn an open proportional system into closed proportional. The reason PSI rejects a closed proportional system. First, PSI argues that an open proportional system is an essential advance in democracy. The constitutional loss that is complained of is even greater if a closed proportional system is applied. Second, PSI assesses that as a legislative candidate will certainly feel constitutional rights are fully implemented when it can campaign for itself as an individual representative of the people. Third, he continued, for voters will be more satisfied when they nominate people who they really want to become representatives of the people. "The competition between legislative candidates is good for strengthening the'merit' system in recruiting legislative members. Who has a good track record, thought, and work will be chosen by the people," he said.

Fourth, PSI believes that the open proportional system is in accordance with the wishes of the legislators and does not have constitutional weaknesses. "We believe that the Constitutional Court (MK) can consistently maintain the same belief when breaking the previous open proportional system," he said.

Fifth, a closed proportional system reduces the development of young politicians so that it becomes a sequence of nuts and shoe numbers are back in effect. Candidate number 5 down is almost impossible to get a seat so that it will be campaigning modestly. seventh, a closed proportional system only benefits party elites. The competition of party cadres is no longer winning people's minds and hearts, but approaches and seduces party elites including paying for a Beautiful number', serial number 1." Closed proportional system has the potential to betray people's democracy. Therefore, PSI rejects a closed proportional system, "said Ariyo.," he said.