Actually, I Don't Care, This Is 5 Things About Emotions To Know

YOGYAKARTA Managing emotions is the key to mental health. Not by abusing it, but there are appropriate techniques in expressing emotions without disrupting mental balance or affecting other aspects of life, such as relationships or work. According to Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LSCW., author, psychoanist, and psychotherapist, there are important things about emotions that need to be known. Anything, here's the explanation.

Emotions can be a constructive force but not infrequently destroy if not managed properly. That way, recognizing emotions helps us grow into the most authentic self," said Hendel as quoted by Psychology Today, Wednesday, December 21.

Many philosophers discuss the length of being human and who human beings are. Psychologists and psychologists say the brain has worked properly when you have emotions. Instead of considering yourself weak, the fact is emotion is part of humans. Everyone, connected to anger, sadness, fear, disgust, joy, happiness, and joy.

In essence, Hendel explained that emotions help us to survive. For example, fear keeps us away from danger. Another example, when we are judged, humiliated, or abandoned, is triggered by anxiety, unsafe, and depressed.

If the mind is flat, then life becomes colorless. Emotions, giving enthusiasm and color in life experience. Emotions can release a lot of energy because that way we move the body.

There are many ways to respond to events that trigger emotions. Starting from neglecting, refusing, burying, to suppressing emotions is present. This has grave consequences for mental health. Communities and families contribute to shaping our response to an event. Not always bad, but we need to realize and understand the role of emotions and emotional biology.

Anxiety, depression, and diagnosis oflins as well as personality disorders, are caused by clogged emotions. Therefore, the mind and body bear heavy pressure alone. Sometimes, restraining emotions also consumes energy. Then, learn how to manage emotions and express them well can build a more prosperous life.

Hendel said, we can learn to validate and process emotions internally and then think of the best way to express it externally. When realizing the emotion of fear, sadness, and joy, it can help reduce wasted energy because of anxiety. For example, when you feel'rejected' by other people, someone can process anger by asserting the wishes and things they need.

Those are the five things about emotions that are important to know. Hendel's message, everyone needs knowledge, ways, and skills in processing emotions. Instead of treating emotions properly will make mentally healthier.