Call The UN Representative After Comment On The Ratification Of The Criminal Code, Spokesperson For The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs: Ada Adab And Normas In Diplomatic Relations

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) confirmed that it had summoned a UN representative in Jakarta, after commenting on the ratification of the Criminal Code (KUHP) last week.

The Indonesian House of Representatives passed the Criminal Code on Tuesday, December 6. The United Nations criticized a number of articles in the new Criminal Code that were not in accordance with fundamental and human rights freedoms.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been summoned this morning by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah in a statement in Jakarta, Monday, December 12.

He explained that the summons was one of the relationships in diplomacy.

"It is better if the valid adab is in interaction, foreign representatives or pbb in one country, the communication route is always there to discuss one issue," he explained.

"So we do not use the mass media as a tool to convey one thing that has not been verified," said Teuku Faizasyah.

Providing information with Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, Teuku Faizasyah reminded that it is better for foreign representatives including the United Nations not to rush to issue opinions or statements, before obtaining a clearer piece of information.

"In fact, the opportunity to meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an opportunity for them as diplomatic representatives, to convey their views and we will answer, provide explanations," he explained.

"So there are norms in diplomatic relations that should be carried out by foreign representatives in a country," said Faizasyah.

As previously reported, the United Nations criticized a number of articles in the new Criminal Code that were not in accordance with fundamental and human rights freedoms. The United Nations considers a comprehensive reshuffle, including bans on sex outside of marriage and living with unmarried couples, to be considered a big threat to the rights of the LGBTQ community in Indonesia.

The United Nations also mentioned an update for violations related to blasphemy. Meanwhile, journalists have the potential to be caught in legal snares if they publish news "which can trigger unrest".

"Several articles have the potential to criminalize journalistic works and violate press freedom," the UN office in Indonesia said in a statement Thursday last week.