Joining The Anti-Wanding Task Force In Medan, Bobby Nasution: I Want The Capital City Of North Sumatra Province To Remain Conducive

The Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution launched the Anti-Worship and Violence Task Force to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community."This task force will move to carry out surveillance in areas that are prone to motorcycle gangs and brawls," Bobby said in a statement received in Medan, North Sumatra, Antara, Sunday, December 4.The launch of the task force was carried out in the courtyard of the Medan City Hall on Saturday night followed by the Medan City Transportation Service and the Medan City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).The task force was also strengthened by personnel from Kodim 0201/Medan, Medan Polrestabes, and Denpom 1/5 Medan.Bobby asked the task force to establish a security and public order post (kamtibmas) to anticipate brawls and preparations for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023."I want the capital city of North Sumatra Province to remain in a conducive state," he added.After the launch, Bobby together with the Military District Commander (Dandim) 0201/Medan Colonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad and the Head of Medan Polrestabes Kombes Valentino Alfa Tatareda visited a number of posts using trail bikes.The post on Jalan Pulau Pinang Medan is the first location to be reviewed. At the post, Bobby gave directions to the officers."To collaborate with each other so that this security task runs smoothly. We are sure, we can carry out this responsibility well," said Bobby.