Knowing Ghanim Al-Muftah, The Reader Of The Al-Qur'an Paragraph At The 2022 World Cup Opening That Has A CRS
YOGYAKARTA The 2022 World Cup is being held in Qatar since it opened on Sunday, November 20 local time. This international football competition will be held until December 18 next month. At the opening ceremony of a 20-year-old man, it looked stunning. Ghanim Al-Muftah, Ahmad Al-Muftah's twin brother, was a YouTuber and philanthropist who stole the show at the Al Bayt Stadium.
Ghanim Al-Muftah was born with the Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS). Appear with Morgan Islam as a speaker at an event. The congenital disorder experienced since birth did not limit his stunning appearance. This actually shows that a person's quality can exceed his physical limitations. Ghanim reads the holy verses of the Qur'an, Surat Al-Rahasiat verse 13, at the opening of the Qatar World Cup 2022. This letter conveys about world peace.
As a YouTuber, he uploads motivational content. In addition, he is also an influencer with disabilities.
Caudal Regression Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder, in which the lower end of the spine or so-called caudal bone develops abnormally. Citing data from the Raredisease organization page, the specific symptoms of CRS vary from one person to another. Most likely in someone experiencing it has mild symptoms, severe complications, paralysis, or potentially life-threatening. Although not all experience it, because each child has different conditions.
The exact cause of the CRS is not known for sure. But researchers believe that environmental and genetic factors play a role in the development of this special condition. In fact most cases seem to occur randomly, can be without a clear cause.
One of the risk factors that have been identified, as many as 16 percent of individuals with CRS are born from mothers with diabetes. The reason why women with diabetes have a greater risk of having children with CRS is not fully understood by experts. Even with environmental factors that affect birth with CRS, it is also not known for sure. Although according to the expert reference, it includes alcohol, retinotic acid, lack of oxygen or hypoxia, and amino acid imbalance.
Apart from the physical conditions experiencing CRS, one needs not to break up dreaming and achieving goals. It is even necessary to provide positive energy for others, such as the figure of Ghanim Al-Muftah who motivated and looked stunning in the 2022 World Cup opening in Qatar.