Governor Koster Asks Central Government to Revoke PPKM Status in Bali
DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster asked the central government to revoke the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM). Koster said the COVID-19 case on the Island of the Gods was under control.
This request was previously conveyed by the Governor of Bali to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. However, there is no certainty regarding the proposal to revoke PPKM in Bali.
"There is no certainty that PPKM will be revoked yet. But I encourage it, in Bali (PPKM is revoked) the sooner the better. Because Bali, frankly compared to other provinces, is very good (COVID-19 control)", said Koster in Denpasar, Friday, November 18.
The handling of COVID-19, continued Koster, was very good in Bali with one indicator of vaccination achievement. Moreover, tourism on the Island of the Gods has begun to recover, judging by the number of tourist visits.
"If the COVID-19 Pandemic from the omicron variant, the decline from omicron in the number of countries has indeed increased. In Indonesia it has also increased, and Bali has only increased slightly and there are no symptoms", he said.
The Bali Provincial Government emphasized that Koster would certainly monitor the development of COVID-19 cases. But based on the latest data, the number of people infected with the new Coronavirus, called Koster, is very small.
"Usually during 2020-2021, when there is something that is worrying, there is confusion and unrest in the community which I can catch through health facilities to the public health center (Puskesmas) and also other health places that we have", he said.